Your name
Telephone/Email Address
Employer’s name and address
Date: (add date)
Dear (insert employer’s name),
Re: (insert name of production)
I am writing to confirm our (verbal/telephone) booking for this production.
We have agreed that you will engage me in the capacity of (insert job title/grade) at a (daily/weekly) rate of (insert £ sum). This rate is good for a (insert number) hour (day/week).
For clarity, this rate (does not/does not include) consolidated holiday pay.
(If it is a fixed term engagement):-
We have agreed that the start date for this engagement will be (insert date) and the finish date will be (insert date) and that this is therefore a fixed term engagement.
(If it is a weekly engagement):-
We have agreed that the start date for this engagement will be (insert date). I confirm that termination of this agreement is subject to one week’s notice on either side.
(If it is a daily engagement):-
We have agreed that the date for this engagement will be (insert date). Please let me know if you wish to offer further days of work after this date.
(If you are supplying kit/equipment/consumables):-
I have agreed to supply the following: (describe kit/ equipment/ consumables). The fee for supplying this will be (insert £ sum) per (day/week), which is additional to my personal rate given above and is (inclusive/exclusive) of VAT.
I look forward to working with you.
Yours (faithfully, sincerely etc.)
Agreement for Ts and Cs for bookings???